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Myth Is
documentary from
George Quasha
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Good Gossip!
[Image: "Cedar Breaks Star Circle", 2007 © Stu Jenks and used with permission]
It's About Time
Click here for an interesting visual timeline clock/calendar.
Exciting News!
We're very happy to announce our new partnership with
The Open Center
in New York City
for the development of
a Certificate Program in
Mythological Studies
that will soon be available
to those who wish to make practical use of
myth and ritual in art, performance, therapy and education.
More Information!
- About Time
"Time is one of the great mysteries. Nobody really knows what it is — or even if it is; it could just be a figment of our imaginations. The discipline of geometry describes three-dimensional space, but there is no such mathematics for Time. We say that clocks measure the passage of time, but do they? They tick at their own pace and divvy up the moments of experience, but do they actually touch or reflect actual Time?
— Bill Bridges [more]
Excerpt from
Psyche and Matter
"Time as a Deity and the Stream of Events"
Time is one of the great archetypal experiences of man, and has eluded all our attempts towards a completely rational
explanation. No wonder that it was originally looked upon as a Deity, even as a form of manifestation of the Supreme Deity, from which it flows like a river of life.
— Marie-Louise von Franz [more]
The Way of
the Celestial Lights
Transcription from the Mythic Journeys '04 presentation by D.Min. Rebecca Armstrong on Joseph Campbell's insights to the third of the Four Epochs.
— Rebecca Armstrong [more]

The Clock of the Long Now
A Talk with Stuart Brand
Stuart Brand, author, editor, and creator of The Whole Earth Catalog and CoEvolution Quarterly and
recipient of the first Erdmann/Campbell Award granted an interview in 1998 on the beginnings of the Clock of the Long Now project.
— Jonathan Brockman [more]
Scaling the Monochord
of Music:
An Exploration of Time,
Rhythm and Mythology
in Sound
"Between the polarities of absolute spirit and absolute matter the Greek philosopher Pythagoras envisioned a single monochord
stretched across the spectrum of the universe. Like a skilled musician, the enlightened person would be able to pluck the various frets of planets
and sounds with an ease of liquidity. This was considered harmony."
— Derek Beres [more]
- Excerpt from
Bringing it All Back Home:
Wholeness, Creative Joy,
and the
Evolution of Consciousness
"Visionary education would provide an experience of how one enters the realm of the sacred, awakening capacities
to re-imagine a world where we live in harmonious being with ourselves, others, and the universe."
— Lorin Hollander [more]
The Friendly Guide to Mythology:
A Mortal's Companion to the
Fantastical Realm of Gods,
Goddesses, Monsters, and Heroes
Some of the really useful factual knowledge is packed throughout the book, beginning with "Marduk: A Chronology,"
and continuing with lists of the sources of the Icelandic Eddas, the Maya Popul Vuh, Hindu and Celtic Mythology, a list of the Greek Titans,
a list of eight who journeyed to the Underworld, of incidents involving the Egyptian Eye of Ra, and a bit-story of "How Ganesha Lost His Tusk."
— William Doty [more]
- Questcon Quest
This month's fiction is a dark and serious tale of fantasy computer gaming and an emotionally damaged family.
— Richard Scrimger [more]
- Interview with Author Richard Scrimger
Richard Scrimger, the award-winning Canadian Children's and Young Adult's author, won a Mr.Christie's Book Award in 1999 for
The Nose from Jupiter. It was the birth of a series of delightful series of children's books. Richard is also the author of two adult novels,
Crosstown and Mystical Rose, and a new book for young children, Princess Bun Bun.
— Brenda Sutton [more]
- Twenty Four Hours in Scotland
Stu Jenks lets you travel along with him on his photo hunt through Scotland to Stirling Castle, the William Wallace Memorial,
a night in a rest stop, the Devil's Needle near Dundee, Lunan Bay, Culloden Battlefield, the Clava Stones...and cows.
— Stu Jenks [more]
- Time
Human time is an artifice, a mechanical way of insuring unity and continuity in society. And it's a way of keeping us in the box,
ordinary like everyone else, and insuring the lowest common denominator way of living. Time acts as a device for social control, keeping us from
being in our own time, where original genius resides.
— James Wanless [more]
- Imbolc:
The Time of Fire in the Belly
It's the middle of January. Daffodil bulbs are poking their pale green shoots out of the cold ground, just waiting for their annual rude awakening.
Spring is definitely on the way. At this juncture of the Wheel of the Year we celebrate fire and ice, sheep and the coming spring, whiskey punch
and corn dollies with rituals for the Celtic holy day of Imbolc.
(You can even learn how to make a Brigid's Cross.)
— Brenda Sutton [more]
- Rip Van Winkle
Read Diedrich Knickerbocker's posthumous chronicle of one of those happy mortals of foolish, well-oiled dispositions who take the world easy, eat white
bread or brown, whichever can be got with least thought or trouble, and would rather starve on a penny than work for a pound. If left to himself, he would have whistled
life away, in perfect contentment. But one day, while crossing the forest he spied odd little men playing ninepins.
—Washington Irving [more]
- Mythic Glossary:
Apocalypse, Apocalyptic

- Madison's Mourning
— Dave Alway
- Tickity Tick Tock
— Elsa Brooks
- The Hidden Span
— Eliot Weinberger [more]
- New Fire
— Eliot Weinberger [more]
- Eternity
— Emily Dickinson [more]
- The Song of the Chorus
From the play "The Rock"
—T.S. Eliot [more]
The theme for the February issue is "HEART & SYNCHRONICITY"
We'll be embracing articles, stories, poetry, music and art about
agape, philos, eros, the way of the heart, carnivale, Mardi Gras, ecstatic dance,
the sow goddess, synchronicity, bliss, Gilgamesh and Enkidu, the Chinese New Year, and chocolate...hot!
(Submission deadline January 28, 2007)

Do you wish that you could have gone to the
Human Forum this year?
Did you go and now wish that you could share what you heard with others?
Well then, we have good news for you!
Visit Conference Recording Services
to order tapes, DVDs and CDs from a life-changing event.
Filmmaker George Quasha will soon be releasing the Part II of the Myth Is DVD.
If you attended Mythic Journeys '06, you'll remember the documentary that played continuously outside the main programming room with marvelous thinkers like Michael Vannoy Adams, Rebecca Armstrong, Coleman Barks, Phil Cousineau, Meinrad Craighead, William Doty, Kristen Eckmann, James Flannery, Honora Foah, Matthew Fox, Ellen Hemphill, James Hillman, Sam Keen, Robin & Stephen Larsen, Margot McLean, Micheal Meade, Joyce Carol Oates, Ginette Paris, Laurie Patton, Huston Smith, Ulla Suokko and Robert Walter all speaking to the importance and understanding of myth in our modern world.
Part II includes interviews with 431 more amazing minds!
For the opportunity to view and order either one or both of these powerful documentaries, visit www.quasha.com.
If you haven't seen the
film trailer for the upcoming
documentary film project
on Mythic Journeys '06
by Imaginal Cells Inc...
...you should!

And we thought that you'd like to know!
There's a great cover story on Mythic Imagination Institute and one of our founders, Michael Karlin, in the premier edition of Motto, a magazine devoted to helping people work towards a meaningful life with meaningful work.
Also in this first issue is an interview with Deepak Chopra on "Careers With Soul."
A Great Offer From Motto!
To celebrate the Premiere issue of Motto, our partners have created a 2-for-1 offer:
Buy a subscription and they give you another one for a friend or family member.
Two subscriptions for only $18 if you click on this subscribe link.
(Offer good through January, 2007.)
"What’s Your Motto?"
Join the dialogue and enter your personal motto at www.whatsyourmotto.com.
The Mythic Imagination Institute creates experiences that explore
— through art, hands-on activity
and inter-disciplinary conversation —
the mystery and metaphor inherent in myth and story.