Mythic Glossary
The subject of myth uses a vocabulary of words with resonant meanings. We don't mean for the Mythic Glossary to be a page of dry definitions, but more a springboard. Want to jump with a word and see how high it flies and in what direction? Each month, we mean to add to our glossary of mythic concepts and grow a very interesting dictionary.
To start the ball rolling, we're grateful to Dr. William Doty and the folks at Greenwood Press for allowing use of the glossary from his book, Myth: A Handbook (all such entres so designated.) This is a work in progress, so the number of links will grow.
- allegory
- anima mundi
- apocalypse, apocalyptic
- Apollodorus
- archetype
- Aristotle (Greek transliteration, Aristoteles)
- Arthur, Arthurian
- Barthes, Roland
- big bang
- Buddhism
- Campbell, Joseph
- Changing Woman
- charter
- comparativism
- cosmogony, cosmogonic
- cosmology, cosmological
- Coyote
- cultural studies
- demythologize, demythify
- Dreamtime
- Durkheim, Émile
- earth-diver
- earth mother
- Elementargedanken
- Eliade, Mircea
- emergence myths
- epic
- epistemology
- eschatology
- etiology
- etymology
- euhemerism
- fabula/fable
- fertility myth
- folklore, folkloristics
- Frazer, Sir James
- Freud, Sigmund
- Frye, Northrop
- functionalist
- Gaia
- genre
- Gilgamesh
- Golden Bough, The
- Greco-Roman
- hermeneutics
- Hesiod (Greek transliteration Hesiodos)
- hieros gamos
- Hinduism
- Homer (Greek transliteration Homeros)
- Hopi
- iconography
- ideology
- Inuit
- Jung, Carl G.
- Krishna
- legend
- Lévi-Strauss, Claude
- liminality
- logos
- Malinowski, Bronislaw
- Manu
- marriage, sacred
- Mesopotamia
- metamorphosis
- monomyth
- myth-and-ritual school
- mytheme
- mythicity
- mythoclast
- myth of mythlessness
- mythography
- mythologem
- mythology, comparative
- mythology, world
- mythopoesis
- mythos
- mythostory, individual
- narrativity
- Navajo
- nether world
- Oedipus comlex
- origin myths
- pantheon
- pathological mythology
- phenomenology
- Plato (Greek transliteration Platon)
- poiesis
- polysemy, polysemantic
- poly-vocal
- postmodern
- primal
- primary myth
- Prometheus, -ean
- Proteus, protean
- protomyth
- Ragnarok
- reference myth
- rite of passage
- ritualization
- romantic
- saga
- semiotic
- shaman/seer
- socially constructed
- structuralism
- syzygy
- theogony
- theomachia
- Trickster
- underworld
- vestal virgin
- Vishnu
- Völkergedanken
- world mythology
- zeitgeist

"Another word comes on bended knee to the lexicographer,
pleading for admitance into the dictionary..."
[Image: Hans Stengel, circa 1920]
Do you have a favorite term you'd like to add to the list? Email Brenda Sutton
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