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Our calendar lists events of interest with an emphasis on programs by upcoming or former Mythic Journeys presenters and performers.


Joseph Campbell RoundTable Meeting
7:30 pm — 9:00 pm
(This event repeats on the second Thursday of every month.)
Location: Phoenix and Dragon
Street: 5531 Roswell Road
City State Zip: Atlanta, GA 30342
Phone: 404-255-5207

February 2008

Jean Shinoda Bolen — February 8-9, 2008
St. Louis, MO
Friday Lecture (7-9:30 PM): Urgent Message from Mother
Saturday Workshop (9 AM-3:30 PM): Love vs. Power: From Family Psychology to the Fate of the Earth Location: Missouri History Museum
Forest Park
St. Louis, MO
C. G. Jung Society of St. Louis
Contact cgjungstl@sbcglobal.net
Website: www.cgjungstl.org Dr. Bolen's website www.jeanbolen.com

Michele Tocher — Feb 9, 16, 23, March 1, 8, 15, 29, April 5, 2008
Creative Writing and the Mythic Arts
Writing from the Seeker's Heart
Saturdays 10:30-12:30 pm
Fraser Studios

115 Danforth (at Broadview and Danforth) Studio C (2nd floor)
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Fee: $25 per session or $180 for eight.
Join us to tap into the mythic dimension of life and the stories you have lived. Explore strange and wondrous encounters, crossroads, thresholds, underworlds, recoveries, and moments of recognition. Writing from the Seeker's Heart will generate personal and imaginative stories, give you insight into what you've lived, and ways to tell your stories that will contact the universal. Come to write in an inviting atmosphere, share your stories, expand your repertoire, and discover your possibilities. No previous experience storytelling or writing is required.
Contact Michelle Tocher
Phone: (416) 516-6644

Jean Shinoda Bolen — February 15-16, 2008
Seattle, WA
Friday Lecture (7-9 PM): The Invisible Power of Women's Circles
Saturday Workshop (9 AM - 4:30 PM): Goddesses in Everywoman, Women's Mysteries & Circles with a Sacred Center
Location: North Seattle Community College
9600 College Way N.
Seattle, WA
Women of Wisdom 16th Annual WOW Conference
Contact wow@womenofwisdom.org Website: www.womenofwisdom.org Dr. Bolen's website www.jeanbolen.com

Michael Meade — February 24, 2008
Koures Symposium, 3-6 p.m.
Brava Theater
Mission District
San Francisco, CA
The Koures Symposium will create a temporary learning community that includes street youth, college students, youth workers, and traditional artists. A faculty of accomplished authors, teachers, and agents of social change will be challenged to deliver in-depth material to youth coming from a wide variety of social, ethnic, and educational backgrounds. At the same time, youth will be challenged to stretch their capacities for attention, to integrate deep feelings with focused ideas, and to learn traditional arts and practices. After an intensive period of study and practice, the symposium participants will host a community gathering and public ceremony that celebrates youth and the eternal imagination that is the common inheriance of humanity.
For retreat information or to offer scholarship support contact Mosaic: 800-233-6984, or email info@mosaicvoices.org, or visit the website at www.mosaicvoices.org.

Daniel Deardorff — February 28-March 2, 2008
Living Myth, Living World
Port Townsend, WA
Living Myth Living World is a year-long course grounded in the understanding that myth is the language and wisdom of the earth — the more conversant we become with the image-laden syntax of myth, the more prepared we are for an encounter with the seen and unseen powers of the living world. Together we will move toward the boundaries of social structure, where living signs speak to us, as in the words of Sean Kane: "Beyond this point is a zone where ordinary human thinking cannot go. You must make a shift to another kind of thinking...." Making ritual objects teaches us to think with our hands; welcoming the crises that make us human teaches us the thinking of the heart; carrying our offerings in heart and hands we will journey into the wilderness to forge deep and abiding bonds with Mountain Spirit, River Spirit, Ocean Spirit, and Grandfather Fire. Working in a "band" of 115-25 people as our hunter-gatherer ancestors did, we create a social matrix to foster our deepest memory of being human in participation with the world around us.
Five sessions:

  • February 28-March 2, 2008
  • May 8-11, 2008
  • August 14-17, 2008
  • October 23-26, 2008
  • December 4-7, 2008

Registration is limited to 25 participants.
Tuition: $1500 for the year (five sessions of four days each; room and board not included)
More information

March 2008

Michele Tocher — March 1, 8, 15, 29, April 5, 2008
Creative Writing and the Mythic Arts
Writing from the Seeker's Heart
Saturdays 10:30-12:30 pm
Fraser Studios

115 Danforth (at Broadview and Danforth) Studio C (2nd floor)
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Fee: $25 per session
Join us to tap into the mythic dimension of life and the stories you have lived. Explore strange and wondrous encounters, crossroads, thresholds, underworlds, recoveries, and moments of recognition. Writing from the Seeker's Heart will generate personal and imaginative stories, give you insight into what you've lived, and ways to tell your stories that will contact the universal. Come to write in an inviting atmosphere, share your stories, expand your repertoire, and discover your possibilities. No previous experience storytelling or writing is required.
Contact Michelle Tocher
Phone: (416) 516-6644

Jean Shinoda Bolen — March 6-10, 2008
Jaipur, India
The Global Peace Initiative of Women Summit
Making Way for the Feminine
Website: www.gpiw.org Dr. Bolen's website www.jeanbolen.com

Jean Shinoda Bolen — March 27-April 3, 2008
Belfast & Donegal, Ireland
8th Annual Jung in Ireland Conference
Splitting, Reconciliation and Repair: Moving Toward Healing and Wholeness
Keynote Lecture: Wounding and Healing as Seen through a Jungian Lens
Workshop 1: Heeding Mother Earth, Mother Archetype, Maternal Instinct and the Sacred Feminine
Workshop 2: The Crone Archetype
New York Center for Jungian Studies
Contact 845-256-0191
Website: www.nyjungcenter.org Dr. Bolen's website www.jeanbolen.com

April 2008

Jean Shinoda Bolen — March 27-April 3, 2008
Belfast & Donegal, Ireland
8th Annual Jung in Ireland Conference
Splitting, Reconciliation and Repair: Moving Toward Healing and Wholeness
Keynote Lecture: Wounding and Healing as Seen through a Jungian Lens
Workshop 1: Heeding Mother Earth, Mother Archetype, Maternal Instinct and the Sacred Feminine
Workshop 2: The Crone Archetype
New York Center for Jungian Studies
Contact 845-256-0191
Website: www.nyjungcenter.org Dr. Bolen's website www.jeanbolen.com

Michele Tocher — April 5, 2008
Creative Writing and the Mythic Arts
Writing from the Seeker's Heart
Saturdays 10:30-12:30 pm
Fraser Studios

115 Danforth (at Broadview and Danforth) Studio C (2nd floor)
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Fee: $25 per session
Join us to tap into the mythic dimension of life and the stories you have lived. Explore strange and wondrous encounters, crossroads, thresholds, underworlds, recoveries, and moments of recognition. Writing from the Seeker's Heart will generate personal and imaginative stories, give you insight into what you've lived, and ways to tell your stories that will contact the universal. Come to write in an inviting atmosphere, share your stories, expand your repertoire, and discover your possibilities. No previous experience storytelling or writing is required.
Contact Michelle Tocher
Phone: (416) 516-6644

2008 Atlanta Bioneers Leadership Forum — April 11-13, 2008
Interdenominational Theological Center
Atlanta, GA

Moby-Dick smashes whaler boatsMoby-Dick by Herman Melville — April 15 - 20, 2008
Kennesaw, GA
8:00 p.m. Tuesday — Saturday
3:00 p.m. Sunday
Stillwell Theater
Kennesaw State University
Kennesaw, GA
Tickets: $15
A new stage adaptation of Herman Melville's masterpiece (by John Gentile, directed by Mythic Journeys '04 guest John Gentile and Hylan Scott) which tells the story of Captain Ahab, a man obsessed with the elusive great white whale, Moby-Dick. In his fury, Ahab inspires the crew of the whaling ship Pequod to join him on a quest of awe and terror, majesty and beauty.
More information call: 770-423-6650

Michele Tocher
April 19, 2008
Creative Writing and the Mythic Arts
Mythic Treasures-A Concert!
7-10:30 pm
Place: Fraser Studios
115 Danforth (at Broadview and Danforth) Studio D(3rd floor)
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Fee: $15 Join us to share a year's worth of mythic treasure-fairy tales, creation stories, mythic experiences, poetry and song! We'll listen, share, and celebrate our mythic recoveries.
Contact Michelle Tocher
Phone: (416) 516-6644

Jean Shinoda Bolen — April 25-27, 2008
Lenox, MA
Weekend Retreat (2 nights): Goddesses in Everywoman: Women's Mysteries and Circles
Location: Kripalu Center
Lenox, MA
Kripalu Yoga Center
Contact 866-200-203
Website: www.kripalu.org Dr. Bolen's website www.jeanbolen.com

Women of the Cloth — April 30-May4, 2008
Imagine—Arte Salons
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Mythic doll-maker, Denise Warner will be exhibiting her amazing creations in a celebration of imagination and fabric.
More information

May 2008

Michele Tocher — Saturday May 10 & Sunday May 11, 2008
Creative Writing and the Mythic Arts
Inside Rapunzel
Time: Saturday 1:30-4:30pm & Sunday 2-4pm
Fraser Studios
115 Danforth (Broadview and Danforth) Studio C (2nd floor)
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Fee: $110
Take a weekend excursion into a fairy tale that has variants all over the world. Rapunzel is teeming with powerful and relevant imagery. Meet the maiden in the tower and the sorceress who keeps her imprisoned there. Contemplate the collapse of the tower, the blind prince who wanders in the desert, and the eternal power of song. This is an invitation to wander through the story, and with guidance, make your own connections: ignite your mythic imagination, and share your insights with others. For anyone willing to be touched by the magic of Rapunzel, this course promises to be a transformative experience!
(To register for Rapunzel e-mail The Storytellers School of Toronto courses@storytellingtoronto.org

Jean Shinoda Bolen — May 18-25, 2008
Mexico City, Mexico
Book and Lecture Tour
Arrangements to be made by Editorial Kairos (Publisher) Barcelona
Schedule TBA
Contact: m.alasia@editorialkairos.com
Dr. Bolen's website www.jeanbolen.com

June 2008

July 2008

Gami Matsuri — July 9-13, 2008
In conjunction with the Santa Fe Intenational Folk Art Market
Imagine—Arte Salons
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Mythic doll-maker, Denise Warner will be exhibiting her amazing creations in a celebration of imagination and fabric.
More information

August 2008

September 2008

Jean Shinoda Bolen — September 15-20, 2008
Chartres, France
Chartres Cathedral: Walking a Sacred Path
Crossing to Avalon: Pilgrimage of the Sacred Feminine
Contact: contact@veriditas.net 415-561-2921 Website: www.veriditas.org
Dr. Bolen's website www.jeanbolen.com

Jean Shinoda Bolen — September 22, 2008
Budapest, Hungary
Book and Lecture Tour
Arrangements to be made by Stadium Effective (Publisher)
More information TBA
Dr. Bolen's website www.jeanbolen.com

October 2008

November 2008

December 2008