Mythic Imagination Institute is an all-volunteer organization.
Your annual $30 membership (although we will gladly accept your donation of any amount) keeps you in touch with us,
and supports the organization financially as well as through your advice, good thoughts, and enthusiasm.
Become a member and we'll send you a complimentary "Mythic Journeys" coffee mug and bumpersticker.
The sturdy blue 10 oz. mug is microwave-safe and features our "journeyer" logo in white. The bumpersticker toutes one of our
favorite quotes from Joseph Campbell, "Myths are pubic dreams, dreams are private myths.") We hope that you will enjoy them as
our way of saying thank you for joining the Institute.

Some of the many Mythic Imagination Institute Members
Thank you for joining the Mythic Imagination Institute.
Please select a payment option.
OR Pay by Check to:
Mythic Imagination Institute
659 Auburn Ave
Suite 266
Atlanta GA 30312
Please be sure to include your name, address, e-mail address and telephone number. We'll add your information to our database
so that you are kept aware of all M.I.I. events and opportunities.
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