[Image: "Masks" © 2007 CJ Bloomer
and used with permission]
"In masks outrageous and austere,
The years go by in single file;
But none has merited my fear,
And none has quite escaped my smile."
— Elinor Wylie
- Transitions for
Mythic Passages
We're going to a new format for Mythic Passages. The magazine has grown so much in the last year that we've decided to present it to you in weekly installments rather than in one huge compilation. You'll still enjoy the diverse collection of articles, and we will continue to archive them at the end of each month. Now, however, we'll publish an article, a poem, a review each week, and we'll send you a tickler to let you know what's new in the magazine.
Additionally, we'll be aligning the magazine with the Certificate Program in Applied Mythology to cover topics of Story, Metaphor, Rhythm, Ritual, Community, and Meaning.
— Brenda Sutton — Publisher
Membership Renewal
Another year has come and gone, and it's time to renew your Mythic Imagination Institute membership. Your annual support allows us to continue bringing you this free monthly publication, and helps us with numerous projects. We gratefully receive any amount you're willing to contribute, but a $30 donation earns you our sincere thanks, a lovely Mythic Journeys mug for your morning cuppa, and our bumpersticker with the quotation from Joseph Campbell: "Myths are public dreams; dreams are private myths."
Follow this Link to
Renew Your Membership!

- Critical Mask
"An explosion tore through the fabric of Western Christian artistic sensibility that had its hold on the world for the past two thousand years. The Ancient burst through layers of the collective unconscious to imprint itself on the Modern; a blast that came about through a mask, or rather, a group of masks — African masks. The sight of them detonated in the mind of one young Spanish artist seven years later at the Musee d'Ethnographie, and, through him, changed the course of the modern imagination. Pablo Picasso."
— Maggy Anthony [read on]
- The Mask as Messenger
"The word "person" is Middle English from the Anglo-French person, which is from the Latin persona (an actor's mask). Person is probably from the Etruscan phersu (mask), which is from the Greek prosOpa. This is the plural of prosOpon face, mask. Person, face and mask are one."
— Sandra Hughes [read on]

- Timely Undoing:
Metaphor Becoming Reality
"When the incoming metaphor trickling down through the spirit of our time whispers "Death," we can either accept the message of the strange Gods of our day or continue on, business as usual, and get blindsided by the misty metaphor turned hard reality. The funny thing about radical change and the death of a once glorious paradigm — it is usually only seen for the powerful event it is, in retrospect. The shift that occurs is usually so enormous and all-inclusive that we simply don't see it coming. Instead, we remain focused on the insignificant details of a diminishing past."
— Jerry Wennstrom [read on]
- The Masks of Inanna
"The word "person" is Middle English from the Anglo-French person, which is from the Latin persona (an actor's mask). Person is probably from the Etruscan phersu (mask), which is from the Greek prosOpa. This is the plural of prosOpon face, mask. Person, face and mask are one."
— Suzanne Prouty [read on]
- The May Queen
Chapter 3
In the third installment of our experiment serializing the novel The May Queen.
"Family secrets are coming out, and now I'm really upset and confused.... I feel so stupid! For thirty-three years the people closest to me have been lying to me, and those who have tried to get through haven't. Instead they've been telling me fairy tales —"
— Michelle Tocher [read on]
- "Birds of a Clear Genre
— Dennis Patrick Slattery
[read on]

The theme for the December issue is
The world tribe; universality; collective consciousness; outer space changing concepts of mythology; families; DNA and the Human Genome project; heroes; human transformation; recognizing ourselves; journey of the shaman; Snow White's dwarves; Capricorn
Mythic Journeys Returns in 2009!
Watch YouTube excerpts
from Mythic Journeys '06!
Filmmaker George Quasha will soon be releasing the Part II of the Myth Is DVD.
If you attended Mythic Journeys '06, you'll remember the documentary that played continuously outside the main programming room with marvelous thinkers like Michael Vannoy Adams, Rebecca Armstrong, Coleman Barks, Phil Cousineau, Meinrad Craighead, William Doty, Kristen Eckmann, James Flannery, Honora Foah, Matthew Fox, Ellen Hemphill, James Hillman, Sam Keen, Robin & Stephen Larsen, Margot McLean, Micheal Meade, Joyce Carol Oates, Ginette Paris, Laurie Patton, Huston Smith, Ulla Suokko and Robert Walter all speaking to the importance and understanding of myth in our modern world.
Part II includes interviews with 431 more amazing minds!
For the opportunity to view and order either one or both of these powerful documentaries, visit www.quasha.com.
If you haven't seen the
film trailer for the upcoming
documentary film project
on Mythic Journeys '06
by Imaginal Cells Inc...
...you should!
The Mythic Imagination Institute creates experiences that explore
— through art, hands-on activity
and inter-disciplinary conversation —
the mystery and metaphor inherent in myth and story.