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[Image: "Bridging Heaven and Earth #1"
© 2007 Jan Delyth and used with permission]
Mythic Journeys Documentary Trailer on YouTube!
- Lean More Forcefully
Into the Questions
"Does one lean more forcefully into the questions life poses, or not? Seems like leaning into the turns on a bike, knowing you're going to wobble and fall if you go too slow, forces the rider to get on with it. Some people get this great stable tricycle and some people are going to fall over if they go too slow."
— Honora Foah [more]
Spring Celebrations!
Spring is nearly here, when the world shakes off its winter doldrums and celebrates. We're creating a permanent reference page in Mythic Passages for the festivals of the world. March includes the Ethiopian pilgramage of Zeqwala; the Welsh honoring of St. Dafydd; the Scottish hilarity of Whuppity Scoorie; the Japanese Doll Festival honoring young women, Hina Matsuri; total lunar and partial solar eclipses; the Buddhist celebration of Chotrul Duchen, the Excellent Time of Miracles; the Indian Holi Festival, the Ides of March; St. Patrick's Day; and Eostre, the vernal Equinox.
— [more]
from Moby Dick
to Ahab's Wife
"Melville's Moby Dick enfolds within its own nineteenth-century pages many mythopoetic revisionings—notably of the biblical Job's references to Leviathan and prophecies in the book of Ezekiel, but also allusions to Greek and Roman mythical figures as well as the medieval George and the Dragon story." Dr. Doty points to several books with similar mythopoetic themes.
— William Doty [more]

Our Innocence:
Beginnings and Endings
"Like death and like dust, our innocence is so consistently present in our lives that it is the place we come to rest when we slip, fade or fall from the world. Left unclaimed, we live out our innocence unconsciously, where it takes the form of childish behavior or even senility."
— Jerry Wennstrom [more]
The Wise Fool
Nasreddin means "victory of the faith", and he has earned the honorifics Hodja, Molla, or Mullah. Be assured, this satirical 13th century Sufi character is always victorious at the conclusion of every tale. We're tossing a handful of the many hundreds of Nasreddin stories into the pot to spice up our spring soup.
— Brenda Sutton [more]

- The Maltese Falcon
and Ancient Myth
"Beneath the entertaining surface structures of Dashiel Hammett's narrative — which is as smooth and streamlined as a fifties rocket-finned Chrysler — there lie some very interesting, and very ancient, deep structures organizing the narrative, structures which, when excavated, uncover the very bones of the noir narrative itself which here, with Hammett's novel, achieves its first true masterpiece."
— John David Ebert [more]
- How Gilgamesh Became
the Lord of the Dead
Part One: Our Failure to
Understand the Epic
"The Babylonians forged a coherent narrative by framing all of Gilgamesh's disparate adventures as a journey along the ecliptic, moving through the twelve signs of the zodiac. Seeing Gilgamesh as a solar hero transformed him from a merely local provincial hero of the twin cities of Ur and Uruk, into a universal hero of the Mesopotamian imagination."
— John D. Ebert [more]

- Mirror, Mirror in the Doll
"There was something about those dolls. They started out as bits of nothing. By the time Miss Tessa had finished with them, though, they'd embodied genuine personalities. The porcelain doll's eyes appeared real but looked at nothing; the soft-sculptured doll's eyes were embroidered stitches, but they looked at you. In you."
— Brenda Sutton [more]
The Celebration Initiative
When I set out to positively change the world,
I realized that to achieve this,
I first needed to work on changing my country,
and to achieve this
I first needed to change my town,
and to achieve this
I first needed to change my family
and to achieve this
I first needed to change myself
The Kotzker Rebbe
— [more]
- Routledge Series
Gods and Heroes
of the Ancient World
Part One of Dr. Doty's review of the new Routledge Publishing examines Ken Dowden's Zeus, Carol Dougherty's Prometheus, Emma Griffiths' Medea, Lowell Edmunds' Oedipus, and Richard Seaford's Dionysos.
— by William Doty [more]
- Mythic Glossary:
- Gilgamesh: Tablet II
— [more]
- Persephone
— Clara Scudder-Davis [more]
- Bear's Brown Study (for James Hillman)
— Dennis Patrick Slattery [more]
- The Elder
— Judith Adams [more]
The theme for the March issue is "QUEEN OF THE MAY"
Publication date April 15, 2007
May poles; flower wreaths and other fertility symbols; weddings and honeymoons; honey bees and mead; bride's maids and best men; canopies; arranged marriages; dowries and bride prices; consummation; the Magdalene; Sleeping Beauty; tens in tarot; Taurus
(Submission deadline March 31, 2007)

Do you wish that you could have gone to the
Human Forum this year?
Did you go and now wish that you could share what you heard with others?
Well then, we have good news for you!
Visit Conference Recording Services
to order tapes, DVDs and CDs from a life-changing event.
Filmmaker George Quasha will soon be releasing the Part II of the Myth Is DVD.
If you attended Mythic Journeys '06, you'll remember the documentary that played continuously outside the main programming room with marvelous thinkers like Michael Vannoy Adams, Rebecca Armstrong, Coleman Barks, Phil Cousineau, Meinrad Craighead, William Doty, Kristen Eckmann, James Flannery, Honora Foah, Matthew Fox, Ellen Hemphill, James Hillman, Sam Keen, Robin & Stephen Larsen, Margot McLean, Micheal Meade, Joyce Carol Oates, Ginette Paris, Laurie Patton, Huston Smith, Ulla Suokko and Robert Walter all speaking to the importance and understanding of myth in our modern world.
Part II includes interviews with 431 more amazing minds!
For the opportunity to view and order either one or both of these powerful documentaries, visit www.quasha.com.
If you haven't seen the
film trailer for the upcoming
documentary film project
on Mythic Journeys '06
by Imaginal Cells Inc...
...you should!
The Mythic Imagination Institute creates experiences that explore
— through art, hands-on activity
and inter-disciplinary conversation —
the mystery and metaphor inherent in myth and story.