Alliance for the New Humanity
Founded by Deepak Chopra and two Nobel Peace Prize winners, Oscar Arias and
Betty Williams, the Alliance for a New Humanity connects a global compassionate citizenry that
influences policies closer to the true principles of life. The Alliance works to create a critical mass of peace
consciousness, and project a new narrative that fully recognizes the oneness of humanity. Their
catalyst is the enhancement of connectivity amongst the diverse groups and individuals working to
bring about change in their communities and particular fields of interest. ANH is an international,
non-denominational, non-partisan effort, focusing on the basic unitary principles of the human spirit
as reflected in the noblest religious and secular traditions. Its work will not be measured by sheer
volume or numbers, but rather by the reverberation of a new narrative of human oneness leading
to compassionate, understanding and peaceful actions. They invite leaders in government, business,
arts, religion and other sectors of society to participate in this dialogue, on the sole basis of their
concern for humanity, their respect for life, and their longing for a better, more conciliatory and
equitable world for a new definition of Peace.
Atlanta Jung Society
As a thriving Jungian community in Atlanta for more than two decades, the Jung
Society of Atlanta provides fellowship and education for people interested in the body of thought
derived from the work of C.G. Jung. The society holds regular monthly meetings where both local and
nationally known speakers present these ideas. Workshops are held three times per year to provide
a more in-depth treatment of these ideas. Non-members and visitors are welcome at any meeting
or workshop.
Comedy for Peace
Comedy for Peace ™ is a very serious effort to promote peace in a very funny way.
Using comedy and film to show Palestinians and Israelis a way to co-exist, Comedy for Peace
™ broadcasts this message to a global audience. The first effort will be in 2005, when
a group of brave comics — Arab, Jewish, Israeli, Palestinian, and others —
tour Israel and Palestine for a series of standup comedy performances and workshops. Conceived
by Ray Hanania — a Palestinian-American stand-up comic who is married to a Jew
— Comedy for Peace ™ demonstrates: "If we can laugh together, we can live together."
Comics supporting this project include Whoopi Goldberg, David Brenner, and Harold Ramis.
Creating Pride
Creating Pride, a non-profit organization, ignites creativity in others through
artmaking. They direct their efforts toward principals, teachers, parents, children and corporate
executives as they work to help make the arts a regular part of every child's learning.
Distant Train
Founded in 1995, Distant Train is a creative and innovative Internet design firm
specializing in the development of online educational software for young people using Flash
animation. The Atlanta, Ga.-based company also creates commercial Web sites and CD-Roms,
both in Flash and HTML.
Georgia State University’s Department of Religious Studies
Started in the 1980s and becoming a full-fledged degree program in 1991,
the Religious Studies Program offers almost 40 courses, as well as the opportunity for
students to explore the interdisciplinary nature of the field by taking additional courses
from the Departments of Anthropology, African-American Studies, Art History, History,
Music, Philosophy, Political Science, and Sociology. Housed in Georgia State's Department
of Philosophy, the Program features full-time faculty holding doctorates in Religious Studies
and approximately60 undergraduate majors working toward their B.A. in Religious Studies.
The Program also affords graduate students the opportunity to receive a M.A. in Philosophy
with a concentration in Religious Studies.
Hands On Network
Across the country, millions of concerned Americans face the challenge
of finding a way to reconcile a busy lifestyle with an interest in volunteering. Local Hands
On Network organizations were formed in response to this challenge, with the goal to make
volunteering possible for everyone. Hands On Network organizations, known as “Cares”
or “Hands On” organizations, engage over 350,000 volunteers in direct service to their
communities each year. In cities large and small, 42 Hands On Network organizations have
been established in the U.S., as well as international organizations in the Philippines, China,
the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, where 27 members organizations of Business In
the Community are also based on the Hands On Network model for volunteerism.
Interstitial Arts Foundation (IAF)
A group of literary, visual, musical, and performance artists for the purpose
of creating and promoting interstitial art founded the Interstitial Arts Foundation. Interstitial
art is made in the interstices between genres and categories. It flourishes in the borderlands
between different disciplines, mediums and cultures. It crosses borders, and is created by
artists who refuse to be constrained by category labels.
Joseph Campbell Foundation
The Joseph Campbell Foundation, “a network of information, a community of
individuals,” created to preserve, protect, and perpetuate the work of Joseph Campbell; to
further Campbell's pioneering work in mythology and comparative religion; and to help individuals
enrich their lives by participating in Joseph Campbell-related events, both locally and globally.
Journey Into Wholeness
Journey into Wholeness is a community committed to individual and collective
transformation through an exploration of the relationship between modern spirituality and the
psychology of Carl Jung. We offer an opportunity to explore this relationship through conferences,
seminars and workshops that weave together many activities to lead us in the journey toward
discovering who we are through our dreams, journaling, meditations, active imagination and
creativity; understanding our differences in perception and behavior and valuing these different
gifts; living out our lives and relationships consciously so as not to project our darkness onto
others; participating in God's ever continuing creation.
MARIAL (Myth and Ritual in American Life) Center at Emory University
MARIAL’s purpose is to promote scholarly studies of myth and ritual among
working families in the Southeastern United States; to train the next generation of scholars
to focus attention on American middle class families; to publicize our findings through
scholarly channels and more broadly through the media; and to find ways to use the insights
gained from our research to encourage and foster positive social change.
Mosaic Multicultural Foundation
Mosaic seeks to create cross-cultural alliances, mentoring relationships
and social connections built upon personal trust and commitment to bridge unhealthy
divisions in contemporary communitites. The process of finding, fitting and weaving
together divergent yet necessary pieces involves making new social fabrics from existing
ethnic, spiritual, psychological and political threads. Mosaic means putting essential pieces
together; forming a whole from separate, divided, even estranged parts. Each project begins
with the idea that the necessary pieces can be found, even if it means looking in troublesome
or unexpected palces. Current projects focus on youth at risk, 'genius based' mentoring and
developing the 'arts of community' in diverse organizations and groups.
The good folks at MOTTO Magazine believe that it's impossible to have a meaningful life without
meaningful work. So they created the first media company for people seeking a more personally
fulfilling and socially responsible route to business success. Their publications have been developed as
places where people can come to discuss, learn, share experiences and find solutions to help humans
work with purpose, passion and profit.
National Black Arts Festival
The 2006 National Black Arts Festival celebrates annually with 10 days of dance, music, film, theater,
visual arts, literary arts and family events of the African diaspora. This year's exciting
festival — In Conversation: South Africa and The American South — runs
July 14 - 23, 2006 in various venues in and around Atlanta.
Spring: A Journal of Archetype and Culture
The oldest Jungian psychology journal in the world. Published twice a year, each Spring
Journal is organized around a theme and offers articles and book reviews in the areas of
archetypal psychology, mythology, and Jungian psychology.