Dr. James Hillman; Honorary Chairman: One of the world's leading psychological thinkers
and the father of archetypal Psychology. He is the author of The Soul's Code, Revisioning Psychology,
The Myth of Analysis, Healing Fiction, and many more books and articles.
Dr. Michael Vannoy Adams: New York City Jungian doing pioneering work in the field of
myth and story in archetypal psychology. He is the author of The Mythological Unconscious and The Multicultural Imagination.
Rebecca Armstrong, M. Div.: Art therapist, Doctor of Divinity, Humanist minister, and Mythologist.
Founder of the Joseph Campbell Society and the nonprofit organization Friends of Compassion.
Dr. Coleman Barks: Poet, teacher, and translator of the works of Rumi.
Dr. Ari Berk: Writer, visual artist and scholar of literature, history, iconography, and comparative myth.
His publications include academic studies on myth and ancient cultures, as well as popular works on myth for both children and adults.
He has collaborated on several books with artist Brian Froud, and is currently collaborating with the artist Alan Lee on a
book titled The Moment of Myth.
Phil Cousineau: Writer, teacher, storyteller, editor, documentary filmmaker, photographer, and travel leader.
He is the author of 14 books including Pilgrimage, Once and Future Myths, The Olympic Beauty and Searching for the
Arms of the Venus de Milo: The Crisis of Beauty in the Modern World. In 1999 he was an on-camera expert for BBC-2's
Joseph Campbell: Hollywood's Myth Master tribute and the Fox Network special Star Wars: The Legacy.
Dr. Nor Hall: Her interdisciplinary work focuses on the history of psychoanalysis, classical mythology,
and modern imagination. She is a noted playwright, imaginal dramaturge, and conducts classes in initiation psychology
for a variety of audiences: literary, Jungian, feminist, artistic, theological, and academic. Her publications include The Moon
and the Virgin, Reflections on the Archetypal Feminine, Broodmales, and The End of the Iron Age. She has
done extensive work in the field of myth in theatre.
Dr Sam Keen: Professor of philosophy and religion at various institutions and a contributing editor of
Psychology Today for 20 years before becoming a free-lance thinker, lecturer, seminar leader and consultant. He
is co-producer of an award winning PBS documentary, Faces of the Enemy, and his work was the subject of a
PBS special with Bill Moyers, Your Mythic Journey with Sam Keen. He is the best-selling author of Learning to Fly,
A Fire in the Belly, To Love and Be Loved, and many others.
Dr. Stephen Larsen: Author of The Mythic Imagination and The Shaman's Doorway.
Along with his wife, Robin, he is the author of Joseph Campbell's authorized biography and A Fashioning of Angels,
a book on relationships.
John and Caitlin Matthews: Celtic scholars, performers, storytellers, and authors with an interest in
myth, mysticism, and art. They have a special focus on Celtic Myth, the Arthurian legends, Western Mystery Traditions, and
art, poetry, and music.
Cathy Sheperd, MA: The past president of the Atlanta Jung Society, Cathy is active in planning the society's
programs and overall direction.
Dr. Bradd Shore: Cultural anthropologist, author, professor, and director of the Center for Myth and
Ritual in American Life (MARIAL) at Emory University.
Dr. Chris Synder: Chair of the Department of History and Politics at Marymount University in Virginia.
He earned his Ph.D. in Medieval History from Emory University and taught at Emory and the College of William and Mary,
author of several books, including The World of King Arthur, lecturer at the Smithsonian Institution, and has appeared on
BBC TV and The Learning Channel.
Charles Vess: Artist, illustrator, exhibit curator, and founder of Green Man Press. His award-winning
work focuses on storytelling, myth, and fairy tales.
Robert Walter: Mythologist and president of the Joseph Campbell Foundation.
Terri Windling: Editor, artist, and author of The Wood Wife. She is the founder of Interstitial Arts and the
Endicott Studios for the Mythic Arts.
Jane Yolen: Author renowned for transformative interpretation of fairy tales with her novels and
collections, including Sister Emily's Lightship, and Briar Rose. She also wrote the classic collection of essays
Touch Magic, about the importance of myth and stories in education and childhood development.