Contact the Publisher — Brenda Sutton
Contact the Editor — Mary Davis
Artwork/Photography Submission Guidelines
Subject Matter
All artwork/photography for a particular issue must illustrate or complement the articles that have been chosen for that issue.
A list of themes and deadlines is available. Art relating to a theme
may be sent to us by the article deadline; however, if the artwork is very specific it may not fit the articles that we
plan to publish.
Artwork that is often needed includes depictions of characters and/or events from scriptures, myths, fairy tales,
and other traditional stories, images of sacred sites or of objects connected with a spiritual or cultural tradition, scenes
from nature, and pictures of spiritual or religious figures.
We prefer electronic submissions of images, no larger than 4" x 4", 100 dpi. Please do not send originals! You may also direct
us to a website where we may view your images.
Mythic Passages retains the right to use a piece of artwork in all substantially complete versions (including
non-print versions) of a single issue of our journal. We also request the right to use the image in the promotion of
Mythic Imagination/Mythic Journeys web site, and to authorize single-copy reproductions for academic purposes.
All other rights are retained by the artist.
Mythic Passages does not pay for artwork. Will will provide a credit to the artist and a link to the artist's
website and/or address of a gallery. Artists whose work appears in Mythic Passages are entitled to post gallery
and exhibition showings on the Mythic Journeys Calendar page.