Contact the Publisher — Brenda Sutton
Contact the Editor — Mary Davis
Submission Guidelines
Mythic Passages is a monthly e-magazine devoted to the celebration of the world's myths, symbols, stories, imagination and traditions, with emphasis on the application of this store of wisdom in our modern life.
Each issue of Mythic Passages is organized around a theme. Examples of themes we have explored in the past include War and Peace; Fools and Foolishness; Love; Janus: Looking Backwards and Forwards; and Winter in the World.
Types of Submissions
- Articles and Translations
Mythic Passages welcomes original essays and translations. We look for lively, penetrating material. We prefer well-researched and objective pieces that are grounded in one or more religious or cultural traditions and directly related to the theme of an issue. All material should be written in clear, grammatical, and fluent English. We are willing to consider submissions by authors for whom English is not a primary language, but they should be checked carefully by a reader who is fluent in English before they are sent to us.
- Poetry and Short Fiction
We try to publish at least one piece of short original fiction that is directly related to the theme of an issue. We accept submissions of poetry of a short to moderate length. We are also willing to publish sample chapters of longer work.
- Reviews
Mythic Passages occasionally publishes extended reviews of books, movies, videos, performances, art exhibitions, and other current programs or events. A review should bear some connection to the theme of the issue, although it does not have to be as direct as an article.
- Guidelines for Retellings of Traditional Stories
- Guidelines for Artwork
Submission Guidelines
- Length
* Articles run 1000-1500 words
* Poetry run approximately 150 words
* Book Reviews run approximately 500 words
* Retellings of traditional stories run 500-1500 words
- Electronic submissions
Mythic Passages accepts material submitted on disc or via email. If you include your article in the body of an email message (we prefer attached files), please use only ASCII text. Your biographical information should be included in the same document as the article. Include your last name in the file name (ie., "jones.doc"), not our name (ie, mythicpassages.doc"). If you are sending us a word processing file or disk copy, please try to keep the formatting as simple as possible. In particular, we prefer manual endnotes to automatic footers.
- Biographical Information
Include a brief (2-3 sentence) biographical description of yourself. Fit the description to the subject matter of the article, e.g., for an article on Nordic Pantheons, "Jones spent three years travelling in Norway." Or, a publication credit: "Jones is the author of Norse Gods (W. W. Norton, 1987)." Always include your publisher.
- Rights
Mythic Passages retains the right to use an article in all substantially complete versions (including non-print versions) of a single issue of our journal. We also request the right to use the piece in the promotion of Mythic Passages, and to authorize single-copy reproductions for academic purposes. All other rights are retained by the author.
- Payment
Mythic Passages does not pay for publication at this time.
Revised 3/29/07