1. |
Look at a map of the world. Where is China? |
2.1 |
How many inhabitants does China have today? |
many languages are spoken in China? |
2.3 |
What does the information tell you about the languages that are
spoken in China? |
2.4 |
China was ruled by dynasties for many centuries. What are dynasties?
What are feudal states? |
2.5 |
governs China today? |
2.6 |
was Mao Ze Dong? What did he do? |
ethnic minorities can we find in China? How are they treated? |
2.8 |
as a group a collage of Chinese art forms. |
are the three most important religions in China? Mention some characteristics
of each. How important are these religions today? |
3.2 |
How did the earth come into existence according to the Chinese creation
myth? |
3.3 |
What is Yin and Yang? Why can one not exist without the other? |
3.4 |
Why is the dragon so important in Chinese culture? Where do find
the dragon and what does the dragon stand for? |
4. |
What similarities do you see between the Chinese creation myth and
those of other cultures? |