Mythic Passages Staff
Publisher — Brenda Sutton is an award-winning singer/songwriter with the internationally reknown band Three Weird Sisters. She works in a support and consultant capacity for the non-profit music organization Interfilk, and maintains their website. Additionally she serves as the high priestess of the Wiccan Oak Spring Covenstead in Decatur, Georgia. She is the mother of five, grandmother of two. Brenda spends her work time running Institute's office, helping to organize the Mythic Journeys conferences, and adding content to the Mythic Imagination Institute's website. She spends her "free" time writing, composing, traveling, gardening...and helping to run other conferences.
Contact Brenda Sutton
Editor — Mary Davis chairs Publications for the Mythic Imagination Institute. Ms. Davis was elected five times to the Atlanta City Council, serving there twenty years, making a difference for the people of Atlanta. Consultant in public policy, campaigns, strategic planning, public relations, marketing, writing, editing, and real estate; yoga teacher; actress; fundraiser; manager; civic leader and activist."You name it, I have done most of it!" she says. Mary especially enjoys her three adult daughters, four young grandchildren and her friends, plus, of course, her involvement with the Mythic Imagination Institute, Emory University, and the Jung Society of Atlanta.
Contact Mary Davis
Creative Director — Honora Foah is the Co-President and member of the Board of Directors for Mythic Imagination Institute and the Mythic Journeys conferences. She was the chief producer and designer for the United Nations Pavilions featured in the 1992 World Expo in Genoa, Italy, and the 1993 World Expo held in Taejon, South Korea. Ms. Foah received her bachelor of arts and master of arts degrees from the University of North Carolina. In addition to her university education, Foah studied dance under such greats as Martha Graham and Merce Cunningham, trained extensively in drama and music, and is an accomplished performer in each of these areas. She was co-director of Schene/Hill Dancing dance theater company from 1976 to 1986, and wass awarded a prestigious grant from the National Endowment for the Arts in 1982. In 1987, Ms. Foah teamed up with her husband, Robert, to produce imaginative high-tech audio visual projects. Their company, Visioneering International, serves as the principal multi-media consultants to the United Nations and several Fortune 500 companies.
Contact Honora Foah
Creative Consultant — Dahna Barnett
Copy Editor — Phyllis Boros was copy editor for Marietta Press. She received a BA in Biology from Emory University, and a MS in Applied Biology from Georgia Institute of Technology. She taught middle school science for six years, high school science for 25 years, and continues to substitute teach in retirement. She's been married 41 years to Mel Boros, and she is the mother of two children: Robb (a compliance officer for a dental supply company) and Leigh (who has a BS in Mechanical Engineering Technology from Southern Polytechnic State University and an MS in Bioengineering from Clemson.) She is the grandmother of a brilliant two-year old girl, Sophia Madison. She works art shows for ChattaCon and LibertyCon. She is a member of a trivia team that has been the Atlanta Trivia Finals for three years in a row.
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