Ghost Sonnet 2
©2006 Kathryn Hinds and used with permission
I slept and woke, unchanged, to graving rain,
Ditch-carving runneling, road-flooding spread
Of water breaking bounds, the river's head
With surfeit swollen and its frothing vein
Brown beneath with mud—two elements
In unioned triumph, claiming each the strength
To wear and carve into the rock at length
Their all-gods godly metamorph intent.
A drunkard drowned here, near the miners' bridge
On a deceitful recent gentle day—
Poor fool. But here's no fooling at the edge
Of torrent, that could sweep the bridge away;
Here where we know this power knows no stay,
What wonder if we trust no rainbow's pledge.
Read more by Kathryn Hinds at her website.
Photo "Muddy Road" by Dan Liu of Hope Worldwide and used with permission
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