the zulu exercises
zulu  world
myth culture pantheon download as word document
1. Look at a map of the world. Look at where the Nguni originally lived and where the Zulu then settled.
2.1 Make a time line of Zulu history from the 16th century onwards.
2.2 What is Apartheid? What effect did it have on the Zulu people?
2.3 Describe the important role of the ancestors in Zulu culture.
2.4 What remains today of the original Zulu religion? Explain your answer.
2.5 What did daily life for the Zulu look like in the previous centuries? What has changed? Is there a difference between the role of men and women in Zulu culture?
3.1 There are at least two versions of the Zulu creation myth. Describe these differences.
3.2 How is death explained in the Zulu creation myth?
3.3 Make a list of Unkulunkulu's deeds and write down what you think of these deeds.
4. What similarities do you see between the Zulu creation myth and those of other cultures?
Look at a few websites that deal with this culture and choose one or two that have images, sounds or text that you think are useful for preparing your presentation. Make a summary or a sketch of the Zulu creation myth on a piece of flip chart paper. As much as possible, try to use the illustrations and images you found on the internet.

Choose one of the following exercises:

Poems are important in Zulu culture. Create a poem in which one of the Zulu gods is honored or in which the creation myth is told. When making this presentation use Zulu rhythms.


2. A child has died in a Zulu kraal. Make a presentation that shows what people do and how they respond.
What strikes you most in the Zulu creation myth? Why is this the case?
"The Big Myth" © Distant Train 2002