is the messenger god, acting as a link between humans and the
Yoruba deities (Orishas). He is also the benevolent trickster, using
his tricks to teach mankind valuable lessons, and is the patron
of roads, opportunities, healers and magicians. This god can be
as giving as he can be cruel, therefore he was always the first
to be honored during rites and ceremonies. In some traditions, he
is associated with the devil (Candomble in Brazil) while in others
he is the one who protects the home against dangers (Santiera),
and his effigy is kept near the front door. He is also known as
Eleggua. |
is the Yoruba word for the earth, named by the creator Orisha Obatala. |
is the creator of the earth and mankind in most Yoruba creation
stories. He is the patron of mankind, and more specifically of the
deformed, whom he created while in a drunken stupor. |
is the ruler of the sky and the father of the other Yoruba gods
(Orishas), and the god of peace, purity, harmony and justice. In
some cultures he is seen as an androgynous figure, representing
the male and female principles in heaven and earth or even a female
goddess. According to some traditions, Obatala owns everything which
is white on earth: snow, air, clouds, bones and the brain. He is
also known as Yansan, or Ogus in other branches of the Yoruba tradition. |
is the main creative force for the Yoruba, much like a modern
concept of God. |
is the god of the sea, and lives in a vast underwater palace
with humans and fish as servants. In some traditions this god is
also seen as female. |
is the Yoruba word for god. |
is the goddess (Orisha) of love and pleasure, beauty and diplomacy.
She is very generous and loving to man but also has an extraordinary
temper, which is difficult to sway. However, in most cases she teaches
mankind to overcome their difficulties through kindness and negotiation.
She is also associated with money. |
is the oldest son of Obatala and the god of prophecy. He instructed
Obatala on how to create the earth. |
is the female warrior goddess of the Yoruba tradition and the fierce
Orisha of wind, fire and thunder, as well as the patron of change.
When enraged she creates tornadoes and hurricanes, and is the guardian
of the gates of death. |
was once the mortal fourth king of Yoruba, but after his death became
immortalized as a powerful Orisha of storms and thunder. Shango's
storms are both devastating and cleansing. |
is the mother goddess of the sea and the moon, as well as the patron
of fertility and women's issues. She gives and sustains life lovingly
but, like the sea itself, is equally dangerous when in a foul mood.
Yemalla is also mysterious and the keeper of ancient secrets and
memories. |