the mapuche exercises
mapuche  world
myth culture pantheon download as word document
1.1 Look at a world map. Where did the Mapuche live at first?
1.2 Where do they live today?
1.3 What are reservations?

What did the Mapuche live from in the past and in the present? What are the differences between then and now?

2.2 Why did the Spaniards fail to defeat the Mapuche? Can you understand from the text what guerilla warfare means?
2.3 What shows us that the Mapuche have been able to keep their culture intact?
2.4 Make a rough drawing that shows what a Mapuche community looks like.
3.1 What does the universe look like according to the Mapuche?
3.2 What feelings determine the deeds of Chau?
3.3 Explain what the Mapuche dualist view of the world is.
3.4 What is a Machi and what is her task?
3.5 The reason for natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes are given in both the Mapuche creation myth and in the pantheon of the gods. What is the reason given?
3.6 Chau created human beings. How did he do this and how did he take care of these humans? Why did he desert humans in the end? What were the consequences of this?
3.7 How does Chau appear to us?
4. What similarities do you see between the Mapuche creation myth and the creation myths of other cultures?
At the beginning of your presentation make a poster with a sketch or summary of the Mapuche creation myth.

Choose one of the following exercises and indicate what the relationship is between the exercise you choose and the creation myth.

1. For hundreds of years the Mapuche have attempted to keep their culture intact and to get some of their land back. Due to their struggle they have partially succeeded. The Mapuche now celebrate the festival of Nquillatu to remember this. Your group will prepare this festival. Decide who you are in the Mapuche community and what should happen during the festival. Use a role-play to show this.


2. You can find the following text on the website of THE MAPUCHE NATION :
"The existence of the Mapuche people is not recognised in the Chilean constitution nor does the Chilean state subscribe to international laws that promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous peoples, such as the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention 169. This means that neither the legal nor educational systems are obliged to make a distinction between Mapuches and Chileans of European origin. Consequently, the ancestral territorial resources of the Mapuche people are continually ignored and are legally taken into private ownership. With regard to the educational system, this is orientated to promote cultural uniformity, which makes it very difficult for the Mapuche people to maintain their cultural identity. As a result, the Mapu-dugun (the Mapuche language) is quickly dying out."

Do you understand what is said here? Try to think of an action that will convince the Chilean government to promote education that respects the culture and language of the Mapuche.


3. The Mapuche used guerilla-like tactics to resist conquest by the more powerful Spanish, but they also prayed to Chau for help. Make a puppet that represents Machi and use this puppet in a puppet show. In this show Machi asks for help from Chau in the struggle against the Spaniards. Also show Chau's reaction.
Like in many other creation myths there is a "generation conflict" in the Mapuche creation myth - children who do not accept the authority of their parents. What are the consequences of this conflict in the Mapuche creation myth?
"The Big Myth" © Distant Train 2009