are many creation stories from the Aboriginals in Australia
mainly because Australia is so large. The creation myth represented
here is from the Bandicoot Aboriginal clan, in which Ka-Ro-Ra
is the creator god. Aboriginals throughout Australia believe
in Dreamtime (Alchera). This
the period long ago when the ancestral
spirits of
aboriginal tribes walked the earth and
living creatures came into being. These ancestors are believed to have
returned to their homes underground. Dreamtime is the source of all
life. Below are some of the major gods found among the Aboriginals from
different parts of Australia.
was the sun goddess. |
was a sky god (often painted as a great Eagle hawk). He was the
creator god in the West of South Australia. He made the world and
all things on it. He taught humans to sing and dance, and under
his guidance humans gradually became wise in all things. In some
stories it is said that he made men out of clay while his brother,
Bat, made women out of water. |
(sometimes spelled Junkgowa) and her sister Djunkgao were fertility
goddesses. They created the ocean and all the fish found there.
In Arnhemland (in Australia) the fertility goddesses are known as
Wawalag. |
was the god of the moon. He was in love with Yalma, the Evening
Star. Yalma gave birth to the morning star, Lilga. When she died
in an accident it was the first time anybody had died. People blamed
Gidja for this and tried to kill him. They failed and Gidja cursed
the people and told them that when they died they would stay dead.
In this way he brought death to humans. In other stories he created
women. As punishment he was sent out to sea, and ended up in the
sky, where he became the moon. He is also the god of dreams in some
stories. |
was the sun goddess of the aboriginal people in southeastern
Australia. Gnowee once lived on the earth at a time when the sky
was always dark. People walked around and needed torches to see
anything. One day while Gnowee was out gathering yams her baby son
wandered off. She set out to search for him, carrying a huge torch,
but never found him. Until today she still climbs the sky every
day, carrying her torch, trying to find her son. |
was creator god according to the Bandicoot clan of
the Arandan aboriginals of Australia. |
is the sun goddess in southwestern Australia. |
was the mother goddess of the aboriginal tribes in northern Australia.
She traveled across the world with heroes and heroines. |
rode on a thundercloud and threw bolts of lightning. As he beat
great stones together rain fell to the dry earth, giving life and
food to mankind and all other creatures. Thunder was his voice.
In good weather he lived in a puddle. |
were the goddesses of illness. |
was the goddess of justice. |
was the grandmother spirit. She lived in the sky and was the
special protector of the medicine men. |
KUTJARRA were the two male ancestors of humans who
taught people to remember their dreams and keep the notion of Dreamtime
alive. |
were the first beings during the great Dreamtime. They created
the world in some stories. They are shown in rock paintings with
halos and no mouths; in these paintings their eyes and noses are
joined. The Wondjina give both rain and children. |
was the goddess of light and creator goddess of the Karraur,
an Australian aboriginal group. She gave birth to the moon to replace
the sun at night so that people would not be afraid. After creating
the first man she created the first woman from a flower stalk so
that he would not be lonely. |
Big Myth" © Distant Train 2003 |