the hawaiian  exercises
hawaiian  world
myth culture pantheon download as word document
1. Look at a map of the world. Where is Hawaii?
2.1 Try to find on the map where the first inhabitants of Hawaii came from. How many kilometers (or miles) did they have to travel?
2.2 Where are the countries located that the Hawaiians traded with after the arrival of Captain Cook? What consequences did this trade have for the Hawaiians?
2.3 Who were the people with the power in Hawaii after 1795? What were the major changes that took place after power changed hands?
2.4 Find information about the traditional position of women in ancient Hawaii.
2.5 Give examples of Hawaiian culture. Also look at their sculptures. What materials did they use? (also use the internet to find information, for instance about the Hawaiian Hall)
3.1 What does the information on this website tell you about Hawaiian religion? What caused this religion to disappear? Try to find more information on the internet.
3.2 Make a sketch of how different forms of life came into existence according to the Hawaiian creation myth.
3.3 In the pantheon and the creation story, different beings or gods are considered to be responsible for the creation of human beings. Find as many differences as you can. How is it possible that there are different versions of the Hawaiian creation myth?
3.4 How did light come into being? Find information about the "Hawaiian Expressions" using the links in the link section. Try to find the relationship that these have to the Hawaiian language.
4. What are the similarities between the Hawaiian creation myth and the creation myths of other cultures?
Look at a few websites that deal with this culture and choose one or two that have images, sounds or text that you think are useful for preparing your presentation. Before your presentation make a summary on a poster or a sketch of the Hawaiian creation myth.

Choose one of the following exercises:

1. Together make a sculpture of one of the Hawaiian gods, using the traditional style of the Hawaiians. First use the internet to research (by going to the Hawaiian Hall for instance) the kinds of art the Hawaiians made.


2. What would you say if you had to make your excuses to the Hawaiian population, just like President Bill Clinton did not long ago. Give a presentation in which you make your excuses and use some Hawaiian words in your presentation.
Make a "family tree" of the beings or gods that were active at the time of creation.
"The Big Myth" © Distant Train 2009