Understanding myth—its significance, symbolic grammar and structure, interpretation, and power to inspire creativity—is critically important for modern society. If myth is to teach, heal, and inspire, people must reconnect with their mythic truths, both those that are enduring and emerging, and understand the relevance of those truths to their lives in the 21st Century.

The Mythic Imagination Institute believes that our rich heritage of myth, story, and ritual offers clues that guide us to meaning and health. They provide inspiration to artists and teaching tools to educators. In short, they provide us the breadcrumbs that lead us through the dark forest of life. People simply need to reconnect with them in ways that are relevant in a new millennium.

We believe that significant numbers of people in America and all across the world are feeling increasingly cut off from their traditional sources of meaning. For some, the reason may be that for religion to have any meaning, the stories must either be accepted literally as 100 percent factual history, or dismissed as trivial lies. Some feel uncomfortable declaring that their views are absolutely right and everyone else in the world is wrong. Others seem to feel that whether they are true or false, myths belong to the distant past and are no longer relevant in a world threatened by environmental destruction, spiraling consumer debt, child prostitution, poverty, disease, and nuclear annihilation.




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