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Mythic Journeys invites you into a warm, community atmosphere and a comfortable, welcoming forum where brilliant and talented people with widely contrasting views, disciplines, backgrounds, and opinions, can come together for common exploration.

Imagine listening to James Hillman discussing myth and archetypal psychology with Robert Bly and Michael Meade. Or listening to authors like Charles de Lint, Isabel Allende, and Jane Yolen discussing retellings of myths and folktales in contemporary settings with Marion Woodman and Marina Warner. Imagine being a part of it.

The possibilities for speculative discourse are limitless. But one of our goals is to build bridges and make new, and perhaps unexpected connections across disciplines. Not all of our guests will agree on the approach to the topics they address, but we�ll create a forum where ideas can be exchanged and explored with open minds and generous spirits.

We�ll also help you use what you learn in informal Living Room discussions and in-depth focused response tracks designed to help you apply what you�ve experienced in your own life.

Mythic Journeys 2004


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