We are in the final weeks leading up to
Mythic Journeys 2004! The undertaking is immense, especially as a first time event
for a brand new organization. Even so, everything is coming together beautifully;
the program of events, the program book, the public relations, the marketing,
the Marketplace, the travel plans, the art exhibition, the production, the food
and beverage, the performances, and much, much more.
Our success to date is a testament
to the quality of our partners, sponsors, advisors, Board of Directors, and volunteers.
I would like to take a moment to focus on the dedication, creativity, and
passion of our volunteers. The twenty-five committee chairpersons have been
working on this conference for more than eighteen months now. Many of them
have committees of three to five people working with them, so we have over
fifty people working daily making this conference a success.
I stand in awe of them everyday as we
work together to make our collective vision a reality. They are dedicated to creating
a world filled with mythic imagination; to awakening people to the story of their own
lives, to helping people see how the world's stories are a repository of human wisdom;
and how we may grow as human beings by unraveling the mysteries and metaphors in these
stories and in our own lives.
Every individual is filled with creativity,
passion, and compassion, and our incredible volunteers demonstrate this to me every day.
I hope you have the privilege of meeting them in Atlanta. Registration is still available
The schedule is also available online.
The committee chairpersons are:
Tracy Aiken - Art Exhibition Logistics
Ari Berk - Content Committee Advisor/Advisory Board Member
Kathleen & George Bingaman - Marketplace
John Bridges - Graphic Arts
Bill Bridges - Content
Sarah Butler - Security
Cameron Carter - Marketing & Advertising
Jeanna Collins - Education
Michael Cuccarao - Guest Liaison
Mary Davis - Publications
Honora Foah - Creative Director/Board of Directors Member
Clyde Gilbert & Brian Sullivan - Performances
Andrew Greenberg - Volunteers
Sheri Kling - Senior Producer
Kelly Love - Treasurer
Ginny Mauldin - Kinney - Webmistress
Anya Martin & Dawn Zarimba - Public Relations
Dennis Papp - Registration
Bill Roche - Legal
Brenda Sutton - Event Coordinator
Charles Vess & Karen Shaffer - Art Exhibition Curators
I hope to see you in Atlanta,
Michael Karlin
Mythic Journeys 2004
June 3-6 Atlanta, Georgia
A story can change the
Like the famous Salons of
Paris, we hope to spark a broad cultural movement for positive change.
Won't you join us?
Special Offer for K-12 Teachers from the Krispy Kreme
Foundation and the Mythic Imagination Institute: $100 admission price to the Mythic Journeys Conference
in Atlanta, GA.
Visit our Web
site to make your plans now!
The first Mythic Journeys
conference, bring together artists, scholars, writers, performers, psychologists,
and more, will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown Atlanta. |
Mythic Journeys is comprised
of two events:a main conference and performance festival, and an intimate
pre-conference. The main conference will be held on Saturday and Sunday,
June 5 and 6, 2004, and we expect between 1,500 and 3,000 participants.
The pre-conference, focusing
on intimate gatherings, performances, and in-depth workshops, will be limited
to only 250 attendees, and will be held on Thursday and Friday, June
3 and 4, 2004. We
hope you'll be a part of it. |
Programming Report
of Events
and Poetry
New Artists
featured in Ancient Spirit, Modern Voice: the Mythic Journeys Art Exhibition
Myth in the Body:
An Interview with Dee Wagner
and the Works of Guy Gavriel Kay by Jackie Cassada and Nicky Rea
On Marion Woodman by Van Waddy/On Coleman Barks by Wilson McCreary
Transformation through Song and Story
by Sheri Kling
Remembering Joseph Campbell Preface to the Centennial Edition, The Hero's Journey:
Joseph Campbell on His Life and Work by Phil Cousineau/Remembering Joseph Campbell by Phillip DePoy
Mythic Imagination
and Newsletter Signup
would rather live in a world where my life is surrounded by mystery than
live in a world so small that my mind could comprehend it.”
— Henry
Emerson Fosdick
tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist,
but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”
— G.
K. Chesterton
is something that never happened, but is happening all the time.”
— Sallistius,
Greek poet
is the song of the imagination, infinite and endless.”
— Joseph
make us more alive, more human, more courageous, more loving. Why does
anybody tell a story? It does indeed have something to do with faith, faith
that the universe has meaning, that our little human lives are not irrelevant,
that what we choose or say or do matters, matters cosmically.”
— Madeleine
L'Engle |