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Mythic Passages - the magazine of imagination

With Momentary Eyes: Thoughts on the Human Forum
Arsenio Rodriguez
Secretary General — Alliance for the New Humanity

Faces of Courage

With momentary eyes we glanced at each other
in an ocean of glances again.
Movement of forms surrounded us like waves
as we were enveloped in throats
speaking up each other's song of reencounter
in that tropical space of enchantment.

As a flock of migrating birds we landed on that spot
after our innumerable and diverse aerial thrilling moments
of journeying back to light.
We laughed and talked incessantly about nothing at all,
but our eyes knew of the joy,
and secretly we embraced, even beyond our arms.

Our minds of course browsed it all as always
selecting the customary channels we have become attached to
as we grow and express the garden in all of its flavors and aromas.
Our body-minds postured the poses and nuances of personality
that enrich our journey and our conversation.
Theories galore about this and that and more
mixed with inanity, and the pure joy of being,
there in that brief collage of sentience by the sea.

As we rested our soul wings
from the inevitable migration to the sun
and toasted and nourished our dancing bodies
in another wedding of the many who are really one.

Unknowingly we knew again
Momentarily we glanced inside
With only one smile for all.
There, down by the shore
In a brief landing of souls.

Read more about the Alliance for the New Humanity

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