Kevin Peer has been sharing stories through the making of documentary films for over 20 years. His experience includes staff directing positions for both National Geographic Television and the National Park Service. The subjects explored in his films have ranged from Zen archery to the nuclear testing program in the Bikini Atoll, and from the wilderness of Alaska to the Wodaabe tribe of Niger, West Africa. His work has been seen by audiences around the world and has garnered over 40 national and international film festival awards. In addition to making films, Kevin teaches a unique approach to documentary filmmaking that combines the development of production skills with a conscious and passionate engagement of one's creative, psychological, and spiritual life. He is founder and director of the Institute for Sacred Cinema. Kevin is currently working on the film In Search of the Tree of Life, a feature-length documentary exploring the mythic and spiritual dimensions of humankind's relationship with trees and forests.

Institute for Sacred Cinema

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