John & Caitlín Matthews are respected initiators in the Shamanic, Celtic and Arthurian traditions, and have
opened many doors to a reappreciation of the mythic heritage of the Western World. They are the authors of
over 90 books. John's best-loved works are The Celtic Shaman, King Arthur and The
Winter Solstice. Caitlin's books include The Da Vinci Enigma Tarot, Celtic Devotional, and
Sophia, Goddess of Wisdom, Bride of God. They are the joint authors of Walkers Between Worlds,
The Element Encyclopaedia of Magical Creatures, and The Arthurian Tarot. They have also written
several children's books on myth. Their books have been translated into French, Italian, Spanish, German, Czech,
Dutch, Hebrew, Portuguese, Danish, Korean, Japanese, Finish and Russian.
The material in their books is based upon practical knowledge, which they teach worldwide. Together they have
pioneered the shamanic use of the vatic and spiritual elements within ancestral and Celtic traditions. The Matthews are
co-founders of The Foundation of Inspirational and Oracular Studies. They have made numerous appearances on TV in
the United Kingdom and the US, and have been advisors on several TV series. John was recently the historical advisor
to the Hollywood blockbuster King Arthur. They live in Oxford where Caitlín has a shamanic practice dedicated to
midwifing the soul.
Caitlín Matthews
- Celtic Book of the Dead
(St Martin's Press, 1992) 0312072414
- Celtic Devotional
(Fair Winds Press, 2002) 1592330436
- Celtic Spirit
(Harper San Francisco, 1999) 0062515381
- Da Vinci Enigma Tarot
(St Martins Press, 2005) 0312349378
- King Arthur & the Goddess of the Land
(Inner Traditions 2002) 08928129219
- Mabon & the Guardians of Celtic Britain
(Inner Traditions, 2003) 0892819200
- Psychic Shield
(Ulysses Press, 2006) 1569755353
- Singing the Soul Back Home
(Connections, 2003) 1859061036
- Sophia: Goddess of Wisdom, Bride of God
(Quest Books 2003) 0835608018
John Matthews
- Book of Arthur
(Konecki & Konecki 2002) 1568524986
- Celtic Oracle
(Barnes & Noble 2005) 0760778035
- Gawain, Knight of the Goddess
(Inner Traditions, 2003) 0892819707
- King Arthur: Dark Age Warrior & Mythic Hero
(Gramercy, 2004) 0517224445
- The Grail: A Secret History
(Barrons, 2005) 0764158678
- Malory's Morte D'Arthur
(ED) (Barnes & Noble, 2003) 1844030016
- Merlin: Shaman, Prophet, Magician
(Mitchell Beazley, 2004) 1840009888
- Quest for the Green Man
(Quest Books, 2001) 0835608255
- Secret Life of Elves and Faeries
(Thorsons/Element 2005) 000720014
- Song Of Arthur
(Quest Books, 2002) 0835608093
- Song of Taliesin
(Quest Books, 2000) 0835608026
- Taliesin: the Last Celtic Shaman
(Inner Traditions, 2002) 0892818697
John & Caitlín Matthews
- Element Encyclopaedia of Magical Creatures
(Barnes & Noble, 2005) 0760778885
- Encyclopaedia of Celtic Myth and Legend
(Lyons Press, 2004) 1592283020
- Walkers Between Worlds
(Inner Traditions, 2004) 08932810912
- The Winter Solstice
(Quest Books, 1998) 0835607690
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